21 November 2010

Full Moon Edition

Something for you to hear. Don't judge, just listen.

 Division Street, facing west

How many times have you heard someone comment that their seven year old child "could have done that," whatever the artwork might be?

I've made similar comments. And then I realized that while I might have the full capability of scribbling a few lines that look like a figure or erratically dripping paint over a canvas, I didn't. And then when I started doing I realized that there are so many more factors to art than the product. As an artist there is process, inspiration, finding one's creative methods, growing projects out of other projects, decisions, discernment, ideas, technical skill, etc, etc, etc that must be considered and determined. In the "art world" its timing, audience perception, buyers' perception, location, connections, promotion, etc, etc, etc..

Your seven year old might have been able to do that but they didn't.

I could have done a lot of things, but I haven't.

Division Street, facing east
I've tried the new moon tilted in the air...
As you might try a jewel in your hair...
-Frost, please.

"Let's just face it, MA, you know how to blow smoke."

That has changed.
I produce and blow smoke.
I am pursuing prolific.

The moon was full last night.
The air and light were cooling nectar to my soul.

I was there. 
It changed me. 
I took a few pictures.

I was born under a full moon.
There is something about her that is so mesmerizing and captivating.

I see the moon.
The moon sees me.
God bless the moon.
God bless me.

Peek Gingko.
1969 Loon Manding

Pinnacle: a lofty peak; the highest or
 culminating point, as of success, power,
fame, etc.

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